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What email facilities do you provide >>
Setting up your email service for the first time >>
Do you provide a FormMail facility >>


What Email facilities do you provide?

The email service provided by is the Hosted Email product from OpenSRS. This product is 100% compliant with Internet electronic mail standards. It implements the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP4 RFC specifications.

Each mailbox can be configured to forward mail to another address or to automatically respond to incoming mail with a pre-defined message. With any POP3 or IMAP4 email client, users can download their incoming mail from their mailbox on our servers.

All accounts are provided with an industry standard automatic client configuration facility. This allows most modern email clients to self-configure.

You can create an email service for each domain name configured for your account on our servers. Where you have multiple domains on our server you may either create a unique email service for each domain or you may define domain names as aliases for other email services you have established.

Postboxes need to be added for an account, mail will be sorted on our servers prior to delivery. If an email arrives for an address without a postbox it will be rejected.

The product includes the ability to view and send emails, as well as changing configuration settings for your postbox, from the Internet.

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Setting up your email service for the first time

Many modern email clients will automatically configure your mail settings after you provide your new email address.

POP3 email settings with SSL

These are the standard settings used by most email clients.

Incoming Mail Server:
Uses SSL
Port: 995
Username: Your full email address

Outgoing mail server:
Uses SSL
Port: 465
Outgoing server requires authentication

POP3 email settings with no SSL

If your email client or mobile phone does not support SSL.

Incoming Mail Server:
Port: 110
Username: Your full email address

Outgoing mail server:
Port: 587
Outgoing server requires authentication

IMAP email settings

Incoming Mail Server:
Uses SSL
Port: 993
Username: Your full email address

Outgoing mail server:
Uses SSL
Port: 465
Outgoing server requires authentication

Webmail (view over the Internet)

Username: Your full email address

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Do you provide a FormMail facility?


Conditions of use

This facility may only be used by sites hosted on the servers
The required 'RECIPIENT' input field may only point to an email address owned by the owner of the site
This facility must never be used to generate spam


FormMail will send an email message to the 'RECIPIENT' address containing the details entered into all the <INPUT> tags on the form.


The page must include a <FORM> tag pair. The forms 'METHOD' parameter must be set to 'POST' and the 'ACTION' parameter must be set to ''
There must be an <INPUT> tag with the 'NAME' parameter set to 'RECIPIENT' and the 'VALUE' parameter set to YOUR email address. This tag will usually have a 'TYPE' parameter of 'HIDDEN'
There must be an <INPUT> tag with the 'NAME' parameter set to 'REDIRECT' and the 'VALUE' parameter set to the URL that will be displayed on completion of processing. This tag will usually have a 'TYPE' parameter of 'HIDDEN'
There must be an <INPUT> tag with the 'NAME' parameter set to either 'EMAIL' or 'MAILFROM'. This tag must not have the 'TYPE' parameter of 'HIDDEN' as this is the field into which the user will enter his email address
You may have an <INPUT> tag with the 'NAME' parameter set to 'SUBJECT'. The 'VALUE' parameter will be loaded into the subject field of the ensuing email
You may have an <INPUT> tag with the 'NAME' parameter set to 'CC'. The 'VALUE' parameter will be loaded into the carbon copy field of the ensuing email
You may have an <INPUT> tag with the 'NAME' parameter set to 'BCC'. The 'VALUE' parameter will be loaded into the blind carbon copy field of the ensuing email

Sample Code

The following code snippet produces the results shown below it.

Please tell us what you think of us
<form method="POST" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="RECIPIENT" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="REDIRECT" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="SUBJECT" value=" FormMail Sample">
<table border="0">
<tr><td>Name:</td><td><input type="text" name="Name" size="40"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Email address:</td><td><input type="text" name="EMAIL" size="40"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Message:</td><td><textarea rows="6" name="MESSAGE" cols="40"></textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><input type="submit" value="Send" name="Submit"></td></tr> </table>

Sample Result

This test functions with the exception that the 'RECIPIENT' is set by logic in our servers to the 'EMAIL' value so we do not receive your test emails.

Please tell us what you think of us
Email Address

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